Hangover Hell

The morning after. You had so much fun last night. The party was so awesome. You danced on the bar. You closed it down. You were a clown. The perfect night is now a distant memory as your head and your gut and that spinning, that nausea and retching ruin the memories.

And now you want to die.

Call us.

We can help. We offer IV hydration, vitamins and antioxidants to combat the negative effects of excessive alcohol intake which has also dehydrated your entire system that is begging for assistance in clearing the toxins that accumulate in the aftermath. In addition to these critical nutrients we offer drugs that effectively control nausea and treat the pain of the hangover.

In a quiet hour with your music and a warm blanket on a recliner we can get you back on your feet. Are you a necessary component of tonight’s activities - a wedding, meeting or date that you don’t want to miss out on?

Call and make an appointment .



Fall is here!


Why IV/IM vitamins??